Employee Communication
The second tool in your “Digital-First Toolkit is learning effective employee communication before and throughout your digital strategy implement...
Navigating the Digital Frontier with Video Production
Envision today’s digital landscape, as vast and uncharted as an ocean. Businesses bob around like quirky rubber ducks amidst a monstrous whir...
Podcasting 101: A Step-By-Step Guide
As podcasting continues to surge in popularity, many businesses, brands, and individuals are beginning to wonder if now is the time to get into pod...
Digitization to Digitalization
The first tool in your “Digital-First Toolkit” is learning how to make the shift to productive digitalization in your business. Now that you ar...
5 Tips to Build Your Brand
In a world of online shopping and niche boutiques, consumers are able to go anywhere (even from the comfort of their home) to buy just about anythi...
“But what do you DO?” The Role of a Producer Explained
I can’t tell you how often, after telling someone I’m a television producer, I get the follow-up question, “So… what do you DO?” And I ge...
Cord Cutters Want Free TV
Over the past few years, cable companies have continuously lost video subscribers to cord-cutting, quarter after quarter, according to cordcuttersn...

Employee Communication
The second tool in your “Digital-First Toolkit is learning effective employee communication before and throughout your digital strategy implementation. Here, we will begin to explore two aspects of employee communication. First, we will consider why it is necessary to...
Navigating the Digital Frontier with Video Production
Envision today's digital landscape, as vast and uncharted as an ocean. Businesses bob around like quirky rubber ducks amidst a monstrous whirlpool of competition. Some just manage to stay afloat, others paddle ahead, and a select few pioneer the uncharted waters....
Podcasting 101: A Step-By-Step Guide
As podcasting continues to surge in popularity, many businesses, brands, and individuals are beginning to wonder if now is the time to get into podcasting. The short answer? Maybe. It’s a little more complicated than just grabbing a mic and hitting record. While...
Digitization to Digitalization
The first tool in your “Digital-First Toolkit” is learning how to make the shift to productive digitalization in your business. Now that you are ready to go digital, it’s important to realize one thing: digitalization can’t be done without digitization. You can’t...
5 Tips to Build Your Brand
In a world of online shopping and niche boutiques, consumers are able to go anywhere (even from the comfort of their home) to buy just about anything they want. The market is more competitive than ever, and for a business to survive, they must stand out above the...
“But what do you DO?” The Role of a Producer Explained
I can’t tell you how often, after telling someone I’m a television producer, I get the follow-up question, “So… what do you DO?” And I get it. I remember watching the “executive producers” accept the Oscar for Best Picture at the Academy Awards every year and...
Cord Cutters Want Free TV
Over the past few years, cable companies have continuously lost video subscribers to cord-cutting, quarter after quarter, according to cordcuttersnews.com. Instead of creating a retention plan to entice those customers not to cut the cord through offering...